How Yoga Makes Me a Better Mom

How Yoga Makes Me a Better Mom
Yoga has been my saving grace as a mother. I started practicing yoga with my daughter when she was just a few months old, and it quickly became a vital part of our morning routine. Yoga was my entryway to self care as a new mom. It allowed me to move my body, decrease stress, and share something that I love with my baby. My daughter is almost 2 years old now, and my yoga practice is more important to me than ever. Here are 3 ways in which yoga has made me a better mom:
1) Self Care – My yoga practice has become a non negotiable part of my life. I try to start most of my days with a short 10-15 minute yoga practice. Taking just a few moments a day for myself makes a tremendous impact on my mood. It allows me to make myself a priority and do something special for myself everyday. As a mom of a young child, this is extremely important. I spend so much of my days caring for my little one and doing things for our family, that it is extra important to make sure that my own needs are being met first. As a result, I am better able to take care of all of the people that rely on me, especially my daughter.
2) Slows Reaction Time – Practicing yoga consistently creates an inner peace that stays with me throughout my days. Since I am feeling more calm and at ease, I am able to be more intentional with my actions, rather than being so reactive. When stressful situations arise, I am better equipped to stop and take a deep breath before I react. In situations where I may have immediately screamed or lost my temper, I am now able to slow down and take deliberate actions. This is a handy tool to have in my back pocket with an energetic little toddler who is always exploring and pushing limits. Thanks to my yoga practice, I am able to be more intentional in how I react to her, and that makes me a better mom.
3) Sets a Good Example – My daughter has grown up watching me practice yoga everyday. It is simply part of our routine and something that she is very aware of. I believe that by having this experience of yoga ingrained in her so early on, it will always be something that she can come back to as she grows up. I also believe that by watching me practice yoga and meditate, my daughter is learning the importance of self care from a young age. She is learning valuable lessons about the importance of physical fitness and the mind-body connection. By watching me take good care of myself, she is learning to take care of herself too. There is no better lesson that we can teach our children.
Do you practice yoga? In what ways has it made a difference in your life? Please share in the comments below!
I am so excited to share that I’ve created a FREE 5 day Mommy & Me Yoga Challenge! It’s the perfect starting point for any mom who is interested in learning to take better care of herself by incorporating a little bit of yoga into her daily routine and sharing this gift with her little ones. Click here to sign up for the challenge!  Enjoy, and please share with any other moms who you think might benefit from this! 🙂
Join the Yoga With Littles Challenge!
mommy and me yoga challenge
Have a beautiful week and make sure to take some time for yourself!
Be well,

Ambar Gingerelli

Hi, I’m Ambar.

I’m a mommy + me yoga instructor, writer, and life coach. I am here to help you decrease stress so that you can take good care of yourself and your family.

Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter

My first children’s book, “Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter” is launching this fall! This book was written as a reminder of the many gifts of motherhood.

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