Happy Thanksgiving week, friends!
Angelo, June, & I are spending a quiet Thanksgiving at home this year. Maybe your holiday plans look a little bit different, too. Just because things are different doesn’t mean that they have to be worse. Although we may be missing our traditional family gatherings, this is the perfect time to start new traditions and focus on what matters most.
One of the new traditions that our family will be trying out this year is taking a gratitude walk!
What is a gratitude walk?
A gratitude walk is a stroll that you take while practicing gratitude and either talking or thinking about all of the many things in your life that you are thankful for.
How to take a gratitude walk:
Plan a time for your walk. You can take your walk first thing in the morning, after your Thanksgiving feast, or in the evening. Figure out what will work best with your schedule and let your family in on your plans.
Dress appropriately for the weather, and take a stroll around your neighborhood. As you walk, start out by talking about all of the simple things that you see that you are thankful for – things such as sunshine, nice weather, falling leaves, kind neighbors, and the beauty of nature surrounding you.
Next take it one step deeper and discuss gratitude over things like warm clothing, your safe neighborhood, your good health, and the opportunity to spend time together.
The last step is to talk about what you most appreciate about one another. Give each member of the family a chance to discuss what they love and admire most about the other family members. Make sure to take in the nice things that your family has to say about you and send them love as you express your appreciation for them.
Walk for as long as you wish and focus on how walking in gratitude makes you feel.
Enjoy the opportunity to slow down and savor the present moment this holiday season.
Wishing you a week full of love + gratitude.
Be well,