Photo by Bilimama Photography
Happy new year, my amazing friends! I hope you are feeling motivated and ready to be your best self in 2017. This time of year is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. As the new year approaches, many of us start to think about things that we want to do differently in the brand new year ahead. We start to set goals and make resolutions on how we will crush them. I’ve noticed that resolutions tend to get a bad rap. The very idea of resolving to do something differently implies that there is something wrong with the way that we are currently doing them. Resolutions can also lead to feelings of disappointment and defeat if we don’t follow through with our plans as ideally as we would have liked.
A few years ago, I heard of a fun twist on resolutions. Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, the idea was to choose a theme word for the year ahead. I loved this idea, and have been choosing my word for the year for the last few years.
In 2015, my word was “Faith”. I was newly pregnant and feeling a lot of anxiety about pregnancy. I was concerned as to whether I would be able to sustain a healthy pregnancy, and constantly worried about the health of my growing baby. I knew that this was not the way that I wanted to feel during this sacred time in my life, and felt very strongly in need of faith that all would be well. Choosing the word “faith” during this time had a tremendous impact on my year. I began meditating and journaling daily and started going to church whenever I needed an extra boost. I prayed, practiced yoga, went on a prenatal retreat, and started to feel more and more connected to the precious little soul growing inside me. Thanks to my commitment to faith, I was able to have a beautiful, blissful pregnancy.
Last year, in 2016, I chose the word “Presence”. As a new mother, I recognized the memorable year that lay before me; my daughter’s first year of life. I knew that I wanted to be as present as possible so that I could cherish every moment. This focus on presence helped me to take technology breaks often so that I could be fully present with my family. I got outside more, took off my ear buds and sunglasses, and soaked in the beauty of nature surrounding me. I had countless meaningful moments with my husband and baby girl. I witnessed my daughter’s first steps without being distracted; a moment I know I’ll never forget. My dedication to being present this past year even led me to quit my job so that I could truly enjoy this special time with my family.
Choosing a theme word for the year dictates the tone for what you want to bring into your life. I’ve witnessed firsthand the great effects that this one word can have on the way you feel and the choices you make. Unlike New Year’s resolutions that are often forgotten by February, this word of the year becomes something that you keep coming back to, over and over again throughout the year. It influences the decisions you make, the people you surround yourself with, and the activities you focus on. It is truly amazing to see that one word can bring so much meaning into your life.
My word for 2017 is “Magic”. I am starting the year from a place of spaciousness. I want to dive deeper into my intuition and become even more enchanted with the world around me. I want to be open to divine guidance, coincidences, and “God-winks”. I am psyched to see the ways in which the universe will surprise me with its magic this year. 🙂
What do you want to call into your life in 2017? What one word most encompasses the way that you want to feel? Please share your word for 2017 in the comments below!
Wishing you a magical 2017.
Be happy. Be healthy.
Be well,