Hi friends!
Do you have trouble putting yourself first? Do you feel guilty for taking time for yourself? Do you spend most of your time taking care of everyone around you, and find yourself with little energy to take care of yourself?
I get it. As women, we are the nurturers, the life-givers, the caretakers. A big part of our role is often to love and look out for the people we most care about.
We all know that in order to be of service to the people who need us, we need to be taking good care of ourselves, yet when it comes down to it, many of us struggle with actually implementing this self love and self care.
February is the month of love, and there is no better time than now to focus on loving yourself!
I’ve created a simple challenge to help you spend the next month in devotion to self love. I want to show you just how simple and easy it can be to start taking action toward treating yourself well, taking care of yourself, and showing yourself a little extra love each and every day.
Step 1: List what you love!
The first thing I want you to do is make a list of 28 things that you love! Make a list of 28 simple pleasures that bring you love and joy! Don’t overthink it; just start writing. Begin each sentence with “I love…” and see where it takes you.
Here is my list to help get you started:
- I love going to the beach.
- I love snuggling in bed with my husband and daughter.
- I love clean sheets.
- I love going for nature walks.
- I love curling my hair.
- I love using natural, organic makeup.
- I love being pampered.
- I love listening to Dave Matthews Band, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and any classic rock music from the 90s.
- I love lighting candles.
- I love diffusing essential oils.
- I love listening to relaxing music while I cook.
- I love making chicken chili.
- I love reading.
- I love taking my daughter to story time at the library.
- I love meditating.
- I love doing yoga.
- I love being silly with my girlfriends.
- I love taking pictures.
- I love going out for nice dinners.
- I love having family adventures.
- I love taking long, hot showers.
- I love writing.
- I love drinking tea.
- I love drinking red wine in a stemless wine glass.
- I love chocolate.
- I love stripes.
- I love having fresh flowers all over my house.
- I love date nights with my husband.
Step 2: Get busy DOING what you love!
Now that you have this epic list of simple things that you love, it’s time to step into action and actually start doing them! Choose one thing from your list each day and spend the next 28 days devoted to doing what you love!
It’s that simple! List what you love, and then do what you love! As you can see, the things on my list are not rocket science. They are simple, everyday activities that bring my joy. So often we forget about these joyful, mundane tasks. We think that self love and self care has to be extravagant. We find ourselves wishing for a tropical vacation, counting down the days to the weekend, or hoping for some future plans that will make us feel more relaxed and more joyful. But, we don’t have to wait for some future moment in order to start taking care of ourselves. Our lives are happening RIGHT NOW. Now is the time to focus on loving ourselves. Now is the time to take better care of ourselves. Now is the time to start doing these simple things that we love!
I promise you that if you take each of the 28 days of February to focus on crossing each and every item off of your list, you will be a happier, more joyful person by the end of this month!
I am going to be going through this challenge with the women in my private Facebook group for extra support and accountability! If you want to join us in making February the month of simple, stress-free self love, please join us over in the FB group!
Please feel free to share your love list in the comments below! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Wishing you a month full of everything that you love!
Be well,