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How to Stop Anxiety about the Coronavirus

Hi friends!

The world feels a little crazy right now. Businesses and events are shutting down, schools are closing, supermarkets are running out of necessities, and the possibility of being quarantined has become real, all due to the spread of the Coronavirus.

During uncertain times such as this, it can be all too easy for panic and anxiety to set in.

If you’re starting to feel anxiety about the Coronavirus and society’s reaction to it, please keep reading! The following 3 tips are here to provide you with a sense of calm during this unsettling time.


1. Set Boundaries – Now is the time to set firm boundaries about the news that you’re taking in. Yes, we all want to be aware of what’s going on, but keeping the news channel on 24/7 and scrolling the media outlets all day is not helping anyone. The media is programmed to increase viewers and in order to do that, they often sensationalize current events to hook you in and keep you watching. This is disastrous for your nervous system.

Decide how often you want to check in on the latest news. Maybe you want to check in twice a day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Choose the number that feels good to you and make efforts to stick to this boundary. The rest of the time, carry on with life as usual to the best of your ability, knowing that you’ll be aware of any new developments during your scheduled check in times.

Aside from restricting how much time you’re spending on news and media, choose not to engage in fearful conversations. Let the people around you know that you are choosing to stay positive and will not be engaging in obsessive and unhelpful conversations about the Coronavirus.

2. Focus on Wellness instead of Illness

During times of uncertainty, it always helps to focus on the things we CAN control instead of what we can’t. So on that note, make wellness your main focus right now.

Check in with your body and do all of the things that it needs in order to feel good – eat lots of fruit and vegetables, wash your hands often, take your vitamins and supplements, get fresh air, and exercise.

Check in with your mind and see what it desires in order to feel at peace – read an interesting book and engage in interesting conversations. Use any extra time home with your loved ones to work on board games or puzzles together.

And lastly, check in with your soul and give yourself some soul fuel – practice yoga, meditate, or pray as often as you need to in order to keep your soul at ease.

By focusing on wellness rather than illness, you will be able to stop anxiety about the coronavirus and bring wellbeing into your life.

3. Be in your Body

Finally, the last thing to remember is to keep your energy inward and really be in your body. Instead of focusing anxious energy into what’s going on in the world at large, bring the focus back into yourself and your own being.

Breathe deeply. Feel your feet on the ground. Bring a hand to your chest and feel your heart beating. Notice your environment and the people around you. Be here now and keep bringing your attention back to the present moment… it’s always all we have.

I hope that these 3 tips help you keep anxiety about the Coronavirus at bay and allow you to find some peace during this chaotic time.

I am thinking of you and sending you health, love, and light.

Be well,

Winter Solstice : Be the Light

Hi friends!

The holidays are upon us, winter has arrived, and yesterday we celebrated the winter solstice which represents the darkest day of the year.

Today we begin the process of slowly moving back toward the light.

During these dark days, it’s important to pay attention to both the light and the shadows in our lives.

What are you wanting to bring to light in your life? What are you ready to let go of?

Here’s a simple journaling activity you can do to get clear on your intentions…

Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, write “my shadows” and on the other side write “my light”.

Under your shadows, list out any challenges, uneasy feelings, or struggles that you are facing.

Under your light, list out your gifts, the blessings in your life, and the things that you are naturally good at.

Take a close look at your lists and notice where your focus goes. Which of these aspects would you like to work on in this next season of life? Which shadows are you ready to let go of? And what parts of your light are you ready to let shine even brighter?

Circle these items on your lists and set your intention to let it be so.

What are you bringing to light this season? Please share in the comments below!

Be well,

Hi, I’m Ambar.

I’m a mommy + me yoga instructor, writer, and life coach. I am here to help you decrease stress so that you can take good care of yourself and your family.

Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter

My first children’s book, “Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter” is launching this fall! This book was written as a reminder of the many gifts of motherhood.

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