Earlier this week, my sister reminded me of the Lao Tzu quote that states that “If you are anxious, you are living in the future.” This is so true. When we feel anxiety arise, it is because we are worried or fearful about the future, and thinking about something that has not yet happened. When we focus on the present moment, we are able to see that all is well as it is right now, and that even if things are difficult, we are capable of managing whatever is happening in this moment. The present moment is really all we have, so it makes sense that this is where we should be focusing our energies and efforts.
Using essential oils is a great way to get grounded into the present moment. Essential oils have many healing properties, many of which are beneficial and helpful for coping with anxiety. By using these oils, we are able to bring our attention back to the present moment, and also reap the plant medicine of the oils.
These are my top 5 favorite essential oils for anxiety:
1) Lavender – Lavender is often called the “gateway oil”, because it oftentimes starts people off on their essential oils journey. I always recommend starting with lavender when dealing with anxiety. I like to diffuse this oil while I sleep to help promote a good night’s rest, and bring about feelings of calm and relaxation.
2) Frankincense – Frankincense is another great oil to use for anxiety. It is a special and grounding oil that can bring about feelings of being more peaceful, rooted, and grounded. I often mix frankincense and lavender in the diffuser before bed, and I also like to put a drop in my moisturizer, which feels really luxurious.
3) Clary Sage – Clary Sage has many soothing and calming properties. It is one of the most relaxing and balancing essential oils. I like to keep clary sage on hand and use whenever feelings of worry or anxiety pop up. I usually put this oil on my pulse points; wrists, back of neck, and over my heart, to help ease tension.
4) Vetiver – Vetiver is a lesser known oil, but it is one of my favorites for combatting anxiety. It has a very earthy scent that makes me feel more connected to the earth, which is something that I crave during times of high anxiety. Vetiver is very calming and has many stabilizing properties. I’ve recently started putting a couple of drops on the bottoms of my feet every morning, and then going for a barefoot walk in my backyard. This helps me start the day feeling calm and grounded.
5) Console – I tried to stick with mostly single oils in this list, but I would be remiss if I did not mention Console, doTerra’s comforting blend. Console is my #1 top essential oil for battling feelings of anxiety. It is extremely nurturing, comforting, and soothing, and feels like a hug in a bottle. I adore this oil, and it has been my saving grace through many anxious situations. I apply it topically several times a day whenever my anxiety starts to feel unmanageable.
Do you use essential oils to promote feelings of relaxation and reduce anxiety? What are your favorite oils to use? I would love to hear in the comments below!
If you are not yet using essential oils and want to learn more about how they can help you manage anxiety, or any other challenges you may be facing, I would love to help! These oils have been extremely helpful to me in managing my anxiety, as well as in countless other ways. I signed up as a Wellness Advocate with doTerra so that I can help spread this knowledge, since it has helped me so much in my own life.
If you want to learn more, you can head on over to my doTerra website here: https://www.mydoterra.com/mamabirdwellnest/ or send me an email by filling out the contact form below. I would love to help you get started on your own oily journey!
Wishing you a week of peace + calm.
Be well,
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Top 5 Essential Oils for Anxiety
Ambar Gingerelli
Hi, I’m Ambar.
I’m a mommy + me yoga instructor, writer, and life coach. I am here to help you decrease stress so that you can take good care of yourself and your family.
Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter
My first children’s book, “Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter” is launching this fall! This book was written as a reminder of the many gifts of motherhood.