Earlier this week, I had an experience that reminded me how important it is to make the most of the present moment, and stop putting off our desires by waiting for the perfect time.
It started on a trip to Trader Joe’s. They always have the best flowers there, and I love having fresh flowers in my home. However, I usually only buy flowers when our house has recently been straightened up and cleaned. We are fortunate enough to have someone that comes to clean for us once a month, and then the rest of the time we keep up with the daily maintenance. As a result of mom life with a toddler, after the first week or two of our house being cleaned, clutter starts to pile up, and crumbs start to creep in over the house. I usually don’t buy flowers during these weeks, because I tell myself I should wait until the house is clean and tidy.
But, this week, I realized that this is a ridiculous way to think. By only buying flowers for the one week a month that my house is perfectly clean, I am depriving myself of having flowers for the remaining 3 weeks! Pretty silly right?
So, I bought the flowers. I came home and arranged them in my favorite pitcher. I cleared all of the clutter off of our dining room table and moved it someplace else. As I set down the flowers, I noticed that my daughter’s little fingerprints were all over the table and chairs, but then she started to call from me from the next room, so I didn’t get a chance to wipe them off. And so, the flowers stayed on the perfectly imperfect table.
And you know what? They are perfectly fine there. I’ve been admiring these flowers every time I walk past them all week. I am sitting at the table enjoying them as I write this blog post. They have served as a little reminder of beauty in my imperfect world.
If I had waited to buy the flowers when my house was clean and perfect, I would just be settling for having a dirty house with no flowers now.
This experience got me thinking, and I started wondering what other things in my life I’ve been putting off, waiting to do them when things are “perfect”. This is something we all do. Does any of this sound familiar to you?:
“I’ll go on more date nights with my husband when our baby is older.”
“I’ll use the good china when I have a party.”
“I’ll wear my new dress when I have somewhere special to go.”
“I’ll quit my job when I have more money saved up.”
“I’ll start my own business when my kids are in school.”
“I’ll go out dancing when I have a partner.”
“I’ll cut my hair short when I lose 10 lbs.”
“I’ll eat healthier when I’m less stressed out.”
“I’ll buy a nicer couch when my children are older.”
“I’ll run my first 5k when I have more time.”
We all do this. And the thing is, by waiting for the perfect moment to do these things that we want to do, we miss out on enjoying our lives to the fullest RIGHT NOW.
Our lives are happening right now, in this very moment. Your life is what’s happening right now, as you are reading this. When we wait for the perfect opportunity to do the things our hearts desire, we are missing out on getting the most out of our precious lives right now. We are putting off enjoying our lives to the fullest. We are missing out on opportunities to care for ourselves and feel as good as we possibly can. We are saying that we do not deserve to be loving our lives as we are living them.
This has to stop.
There is no perfect moment to go after your dreams and desires. The perfect moment is now.
Stop waiting. Buy the flowers now.
What have you been putting off in your life, waiting for the perfect moment? I would love to hear in the comments below.
Have a beautiful week.
Be well,
Stop Waiting for Perfect
Ambar Gingerelli
Hi, I’m Ambar.
I’m a mommy + me yoga instructor, writer, and life coach. I am here to help you decrease stress so that you can take good care of yourself and your family.

Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter
My first children’s book, “Thank You For Being You: A Letter to my Daughter” is launching this fall! This book was written as a reminder of the many gifts of motherhood.