Hi friends!
I’ve missed you! It’s so nice to be here writing to you after taking the last month and a half off from blogging.
I’m coming to you today with an update on what’s been going on in my world, and some info on a fun new project that I want you to be a part of!
As I write this post, I’m getting ready to celebrate my daughter’s 3rd birthday, and also the 2nd anniversary of my blog!
This is always an emotional time of year for me. I find myself reminiscing and thinking back on those first few days of bringing my baby girl into this world. I think about how much my daughter has grown and what a blessing it is to be able to witness her young joy, love, and spirit. If you are a mom, maybe you experience some similar bittersweet feelings around your child’s birthday too.
This time of year also makes me think about why I started this blog. I decided to start blogging just as my daughter was nearing her first birthday. At the time, I was thrilled that I had survived my first year of motherhood (ha!), and was feeling really proud of myself for going from a rocky start with a newborn to being completely in awe and gratitude of the many gifts of motherhood. Around this time, I had really embraced mommy and me yoga, essential oils, and other holistic methods that were greatly improving my life, I was halfway through my year long life coaching certification program, and I wanted to share all that I was learning with other mothers around the world. And so, Mama Bird Well Nest was born. 🙂
And now, 3 years later, I am celebrating the birth of both my human baby and my blog baby!
If you read my last newsletter that I sent out in early May, then you already know that I’ve been taking a little break from blogging. After blogging every week for the last 2 years, I felt myself being called to step away from writing a little bit to focus more on my home and family life.
I’m a big believer in intuition, and so I listened to this little voice.
I stepped away from my business.
I started focusing more on creating a happy home life.
I took charge of my health, started eating healthfully, and recommitted to my yoga and meditation practice.
I started doing more mommy and me yoga with my daughter.
I hired a babysitter so that my husband and I could have more date nights.
I’m happy to report that all of these seemingly small changes had a big effect on me! They were exactly what I needed to feel refreshed and revitalized.
And then, in the middle of this break, something interesting happened…
I started to feel inspired to create a new project!
If you follow me on social media, you’ve seen that I’ve been sharing photos of my mommy & me yoga practice with my daughter, June, since she was a newborn. As I recommitted to doing more yoga with June over the last month, I started noticing that every time I posted a photo of us doing yoga together, I would get messages from other moms who were interested in doing yoga with their children, but didn’t know where to start.
And so, I decided to create a free, 5 day mommy & me yoga challenge!
Throughout this challenge I will be teaching moms how to start their own mommy & me yoga practice with their babies, preschoolers, and toddlers! You’ll learn fun yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques… basically, everything you need to know to help stop toddler tantrums and mommy meltdowns!
In just 5 days, you will have everything you need to start sharing the gift of yoga with your little ones. And the bonus is that as a result of learning these skills, you will start to feel more peaceful, patient, and present as you go about your mom life!
I’ve created this yoga challenge as a way to celebrate the anniversary of my blog and my journey as a mother. I hope you’ll join me in the celebration! I am honored to be able to give back to my community in this way. We are going to have such a great time doing yoga together as a way of kicking off a summer of fun with our little ones!
Click here to sign up and join us!
If you are a mom of little ones, I would love to have you join us in this yoga challenge! If you are not a mom of little ones, I invite you to share this with any mom friends who you think might benefit from it.
As always, I greatly appreciate your support and am so grateful to have you in my inner circle.
Thank you for sticking with me throughout this much needed sabbatical, and for your support as I launch this new project! I firmly believe that this new inspiration for my yoga challenge would not have come if I had not given myself the time and space to step away from blogging and focus more on my family. I really appreciate you being here and being a part of my process!
In closing, I just want to encourage you to listen to your intuition. If you are feeling that something is a little off in your life, listen to your wise inner voice. We always know what’s best for us; all we need to do is make space to listen.
Wishing you a summer of fun, love, and connection!
Be well,
P.S. Make sure to click here to join us in the Yoga With Littles Challenge! 🙂