How to Celebrate Winter Solstice

by | Dec 19, 2017 | Happiness | 0 comments

how to celebrate winter solstice
Happy Winter Solstice friends! This day marks the longest night of the year, and also the slow emergence back to more sunlight. Today is a great day to tune back into nature and bring the energies and wisdom of the natural world into your life. This day of darkness is a great time to go within and spend some quiet time tuning into yourself and your innermost desires.
This may sound a little mystical and “out there”, but it’s really quite simple. Below, I will share some ideas for creating a Winter Solstice ritual and tradition that you can start this year, either on your own, or with friends or family.
Winter Solstice marks the end of darkness and the return of light. So, it makes sense that both light and dark be a part of your solstice ritual.
Here is what you will need:

  • outdoor space
  • candles, flashlight, fire, or holiday lights
  • a way of recording your thoughts, either on paper, or simply by using your voice

The way in which I personally like to celebrate Winter Solstice is by taking a few moments to think about two different aspects:

  1. First, I think about the darkest moments that I’ve had in the past year. I think back on these times, not for the sake of feeling sad and depressed, but rather to bring them into the light. I think back on the dark times and then I think about the lessons that they brought. Once I have the lessons, or gifts from these dark times, I am ready to let them go.
  2. Next, I like to focus on what I am ready to bring in to my life; what I want more of; what I want to be brought to light. I set intentions and make my list of desires.

And that’s it! A Winter Solstice ceremony is really just about these 2 aspects; letting go of the darkness and bringing forth the light, or in simpler terms, letting go of what we do not want, and focusing on what we do want. I like to physically spend time out in the darkness of night, and then bring some element of light into the experience.
There are many ways that you can create your own ritual using this framework, but here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Go for a winter walk with a flashlight and spend some time talking about what you are ready to let go of (darkness) and what you want more of (light).
  • Drive around with your windows open while looking at the Christmas lights and take turns talking about your wants and don’t wants with everyone in the car.
  • Start a fire in your outdoor fire pit. Write down the things that you are ready to let go of and throw them into the fire. Then write down the things that you want brought to light and put them somewhere you can see them everyday.

My personal winter solstice celebration this year is going to be very simple. My husband is working late, so I will be home with my young daughter. We are going to go for a sunset walk by the beach, and then return home to light our Christmas tree along with a candle and talk about what we want more of and less of.
A solstice ritual does not have to be hard or complicated. It’s just a way to tune in to the seasons and use them as a way of helping you to create a more intentional life.
I hope you enjoyed this topic and that you feel inspired to create your own Winter Solstice ritual. If you do decide to celebrate, please comment below and let me know what you do!
Happy Winter Solstice friends! Let there be light! 🙂
Be well,

Ambar Gingerelli

Hi, I’m Ambar.

I’m a mommy + me yoga instructor, writer, and life coach. I am here to help you decrease stress so that you can take good care of yourself and your family.

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