Hi friends! This weekend we are celebrating Independence Day in the United States. As a married mother to a toddler, the words “independence” and “freedom” might not be the first thing that comes to mind to describe my lifestyle. But the truth is that I have never felt more free. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that freedom is less about being able to fly by the seat of my pants, and more about being intentional and recognizing that I have a choice in the way that I choose to life my life.
By living my life in the ways that feel good to me, I am able to embrace freedom like never before.
Here are 5 ways that you can celebrate your freedom this weekend!
1. Choose Joy
This might sound a little bit cheesy, but the first step to celebrating your freedom is recognizing that you always have the choice to decide how you want to feel. No matter what is going on around you, you can choose to focus on joy.
So for example, say that it’s early in the morning and your toddler starts having a meltdown before even making it through breakfast. You can use that as an excuse to let the rest of your day spiral downhill. Or, you can decide to choose joy instead. Maybe your child needs a little fresh air, so you might decide to bring your breakfast outside and then play for a few moments. The change in scenery might be the exact perspective change you needed to choose joy instead of chaos.
Remember that there is always a choice to be made, and try to choose joy as often as you can.
2. Create White Space in your Calendar
Creating white space in your calendar simply means having certain blocks of time where you don’t have anything planned. When your schedule is filled to the brim, you can quickly start to feel overwhelmed by all of your activities and feel like you’ve lost your freedom. Creating white space in your calendar leaves you time to relax, be spontaneous, and go with the flow. This creates the feeling of freedom!
3. Do What You Love
Long weekends are the perfect excuse to make time for doing more of what you love. Whether it’s going swimming, going shopping and taking advantage of some good sales, or taking a nap on your couch, focus on doing what you love this weekend and you will feel even more free!
4. Be With Your Loved Ones
Freedom is nothing without love. Having freedom can be lonely if you don’t have anyone to spend your time with. On this holiday weekend, carve out some time to create special memories with your loved ones. Go to parties, plan some adventures, and have fun!
5. Take Time to Unplug
Electronics can quickly suck up our time and freedom. Being on our phones all day can be a huge distraction from the freedom we are trying to celebrate! We are not free when we are attached to the cyber world. Take some time this weekend to unplug and be fully present with those you love while doing the things you love. Have some screen-free family time, go outside and enjoy being out in the real world instead of focused on what’s happening on social media. By resisting the urge to check your phone, you will feel even more free than ever before.
I hope that you find these ideas helpful! Which of these will you be trying this weekend? I am going to focus extra hard on unplugging from my phone and enjoying extra family time with Angelo and June.
Happy 4th of July friends! Celebrate your freedom and embrace all of the love in your life.
Be well,