I first learned about essential oils at a moms group when my daughter was just a few months old. Having a baby made me extra aware of the products that I was using on my body and in my home. I wanted to reduce toxicity and find safer ways to promote health and wellness for my baby, as well as myself and my husband. I slowly started off on my essential oils journey, using just a few oils and incorporating them into our daily routine. Now, almost 2 years later, my collection has grown as I’ve learned a lot about these oils and the many benefits that they have. My husband teases me because anytime something is a little off in our home, I find an essential oil to treat it.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years as healing agents. They are often described as mankind’s first medicine. These oils are extracted from leaves, flowers, stems, or other parts of plants. They are what give the plant its distinctive smell and contain all of the healing benefits of the plant that they are extracted form. Essential oils are highly concentrated. For example, 50 lemons are needed to distill one tiny 15 mL bottle of lemon essential oil. 30lbs of lavender flowers are needed to produce the same 15 mL size bottle of lavender essential oil. Because these oils are so highly concentrated, they are the most simple, accessible way for us to get the many benefits of these plants and their medicinal properties.
How do you use essential oils?
Essential oils can be used several different ways. They can be used aromatically, either by diffusing them in a diffuser, or inhaling them from the bottle. They can also be used topically, by taking a few drops and mixing them with coconut, jojoba, or another carrier oil, and rubbing them on your skin. A great way to use oils topically is by putting them on the bottom of your feet, where they are quickly absorbed. You can also place them on your pulse points; wrists, back of neck, behind the ears, and over your heart. Some oils can even be taken internally in a veggie capsule, by mixing in water, or even in cooking. Before taking oils internally, it is extremely important to make sure that you are using pure essential oils that are safe for ingestion. This is usually stated right on the label. When starting out with essential oils, it is important to remember that they are very potent, so start out small, using just 1-2 drops. More often than not, you will find that that’s all you need to achieve your desired benefit.
What are the benefits of essential oils?
One of the coolest things about essential oils is that each one has its own physical and emotional properties. As someone who is prone to anxiety, I was initially drawn to them for their emotional benefits. In using them, I’ve found that their physical properties are just as remarkable. There is literally an oil for everything and you can find the right oil for you depending on your desired benefit.
To help you get started, here is a list of the 5 must-have oils in our home:
Lavender is the very first essential oil that I started out with. My daughter was colicky for her first few months, and I was desperate to help her find some comfort and get some rest. We started diffusing lavender essential oil in her room to help promote sleep. It worked right away! Since then, diffusing lavender at bedtime has become part of our nightly routine. On the nights that I forget to turn on the diffuser, she points at it and reminds me.
Lavender is a very calming oil and is often used to reduce tension and promote rest and relaxation. It can also be helpful in soothing skin irritation such as sunburn, diaper rash, or dry skin.
Lemon is a great essential oil known for its purifying properties. I usually put a drop in my water every morning and it feels really refreshing and promotes natural cleansing.
Lemon is also really great to use in homemade cleaning products. Just mix with water in a spray bottle and use it to wipe down countertops and sinks. It will clean and purify all of your household surfaces, and your mind can be put at ease knowing that you aren’t using any toxic chemicals.
Another thing that it’s really good for is getting rid of grease or stickiness. It’s great for getting glue off of surfaces, and helps to get price tag stickers to come right off. (I know this is a really random use, but I am always buying picture frames and breaking my nails trying to scrape the price tags off of the glass! Lemon essential oil helps them come right off!)
Emotionally, lemon can be a really uplifting oil that promotes a positive mood.
Frankincense is one of my favorite oils. It is known as the “King of Oils” because of its many uses. I personally find frankincense to be really grounding and often apply it topically to the bottom of my feet to help balance my mood. I also like to mix it with lavender in the diffuser, which smells really nice and helps to boost peace and relaxation.
Frankincense is also really good for your skin, and can be mixed with your favorite moisturizer to reduce blemishes. It feels really soothing.
Peppermint is a great energizing oil perfect for tired mommies like me. 😉 I place a couple of drops in my hands and take a few deep breaths whenever I need an energy boost. Sometimes I apply a few drops to my temples if I’m going to be driving long distances or doing any other activity where I want to be alert.
Peppermint is also great to rub on your belly to promote digestive health and help alleviate an upset stomach. It can also be used as a natural breath mint to freshen your breath!
Immunity Support Blend
Most of the popular essential oils companies have an immunity support blend. This oil is essential to have on hand, especially if you have children. Anytime I feel that one of us is coming down with something, I immediately apply our protective blend oil to our feet every few hours to help support our immune system. I love knowing that I have this oil for protection and prevention against any threats to our immunity.
It is also a great oil to diffuse to cleanse the air in your home, and can be mixed with water to create another great household cleaner.
Emotionally, it is an energizing and uplifting oil and can help you feel well protected.
And that’s it! Those are our 5 favorite oils that are constantly on rotation in our home. As you can see, there are many different ways to use essential oils, and they can be extremely beneficial in many ways.
Do you use essential oils? What is your favorite?
Are you new to essential oils? I recently signed up as a distributor for the essential oils company that I use since I love them so much. If you have any questions or want to learn more about which ones might be beneficial for you and your family, I’d be happy to help you get started on your oil journey.
You can click this link to shop from my doTerra site.
If you have specific questions, or would like some individual help choosing the best oils for you, just fill out the form below or send an email to mamabirdwellnest@gmail.com.
Wishing you a week of good health + optimal wellbeing. 🙂
Be well,
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