With the holidays quickly approaching, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to gift giving. Gift giving is often thought of as a way of showing our love and appreciation for others. However, it can be easy to cross the line from thoughtful to stressful, when we are overspending and overdoing it with gifts. So, I wanted to share 3 simple ways to give meaningful gifts to everyone on your list!
- 1) Make them feel seen
The best gifts are the ones where our loved ones can tell that we put some time and effort into seeing them for who they are. Gifts that make someone feel seen are often the most meaningful. For example, my husband is a runner, so I usually get him some type of running gear each Christmas. This year, he is planning on training for a marathon. I’ve seen him go through these trainings before and know how strenuous it can be, so I’m thinking of buying him a massage package that he can use after his long runs. I am hoping that this gift will make him feel seen and appreciated. What hobbies, interests, habits, and routines do you notice about your loved ones? How can you use these to get them a gift that makes them feel seen for their own unique ways?
2) Make them feel heard
Another way to purchase meaningful gifts, is to focus on what your loved ones are saying and asking for, and then purchasing accordingly. For example, my 2.5 year old daughter has been asking for these little toys called Calico Critters. Every time the commercials come on she says how much she loves them, and whenever we ask her what she wants for Christmas, that’s the first thing she says. Now, if I were to ignore what she is saying and instead buy her a doll for Christmas, I’m sure that she would love the doll, but chances are that she would still be asking for her Calico Critters…. 2 year olds can be relentless that way! Ha! But really, can’t we all? Don’t we all like to know that our wishes are validated and that we are worthy of what we most desire? Take some time to listen to what your loved ones are asking for, and then get them gifts that make them feel heard.
3) Whenever possible, choose PRESENCE over PRESENTS
The best gift of all is always the gift of time and attention. When I think back on past holidays, I find that what I remember most are certain moments– watching my mom create an elaborate nativity scene as a child, watching Daria and Beavis and Butthead marathons with my sister and cousins on Christmas Eve when I was in middle school, spending the holidays in Miami Beach the year I turned 20, taking a walk to the beach with my little family on June’s first Christmas… these moments are what make a holiday memorable, not the presents that I received. I’m willing to bet that the same is true for you. So, it makes sense that we should focus our efforts on being present with our loved ones and creating memories that will last long after the presents are gone. What can you do to create special memories with your loved ones? How can you be fully present for the people you love?
I hope that you found these 3 tips helpful! I would love to know which of these you’ll be incorporating into your own gift giving this year! Please share in the comments below.
Happy gifting!
Be well,